Founded in 1981, we are one of the most active and largest clubs in the area. We are centered in Grand Rapids but have members in Traverse City, in Kalamazoo, and in the Lansing area. We recognize all Mustangs, from the original 1964½ to present day models. We have at least one meeting or activity each month, usually several during the summer. Typical events include mid-week “mini cruises” for ice cream, caravans to out of area car shows, how-to meetings, color tours, photo-shoots, “garage hops,” etc.
Local Ford dealers give our club members discounts on parts purchases. We also offer “technical advisors” who are knowledgeable members willing to answer questions.
Our website & forums keep members informed about club and area activities and provide other valuable information. In addition, members may advertise on the Marketplace forum at no charge.
Every year we hold a car show near Grand Rapids, MI for all of our fellow Mustang and Ford fans. We’ve been doing this since 1981, so come and bring your Mustang or Ford powered car or truck and spend a day with your fellow enthusiasts! Click Here for more information.
Learn about this year’s car show.
Find out about area shows & events.
Get dates for upcoming club events.
Information about club activities and events.
You can talk about anything on your mind here.
Buy & sell cars & car related items.
Introduce yourself and share pictures of your car.
Ask and get answer to your technical questions.